Top 8 Stunning Must See Places in Mexico City

Mexico City is a place where you can find history, tradition, and modern art all the way around. Therefore, we have to award 8 places you must see in this wonderful and multi-cultural city.

Stay with us and enjoy our awards ceremony of the must see places in Mexico City, top 8 awards! 🎉


Mexico City is the largest city in Latin America and one of the most densely populated on the planet. It is full of contrasts where ultramodern skyscrapers, ancient pyramids, and rich and more popular districts, coexist in a majestic city full of magnificent palaces.

Mexican Palace

It is also an “open-air museum” with over 1,400 monuments and historical relics, 10 archaeological zones (in the city and its surroundings), and more than 80 museums, theaters, concert halls, and exhibitions. Hence, with all this variety of attractions, it can be difficult to make a choice.

This is why we want to tell you the 8 must see places in Mexico City NOT to miss out on your next visit.

Please give a standing ovation to our 8 winners of the best must see places in Mexico City 🎊🏆👏

1. Downtown or the historic center 🏆

Our main winner of this ceremony award is nothing more and nothing less than… *drums sounds 🥁*…the Historic Center of Mexico City. This city was founded at the beginning of the 16th century. Therefore, in the old part of the city, there are many interesting colonial buildings.

There is also a huge cathedral and a giant main square named Zócalo, pedestrian streets, museums, an old post office, palaces, old shops, and temples. Definitely, it is a well-deserved winner of this ceremony of the top 8 stunning must see places in Mexico City!

Private Tour Guide Mexico City
casa de los azulejos

2. Torre Latinoamericana and Palacio de Bellas Artes

The Latin American Tower” is also located Downtown and represents a necessary stop that is worth attention. It’s not enough to just have a look at it from the side, you have to get to the top! Torre Latinoamericana is a skyscraper that has one of the highest observation points in Mexico City.

Mexico City as seen from Torre Latinoamericana

It has an interesting structure and was recognized as one of the outstanding construction projects of modern times by the world community of architects. Torre Latinoamericana grabbed lots of media attention in 1957 when it withstood an earthquake of 7.9 points! If you visit this city, this is definitely a pretty nice beginning of must see places in Mexico City.

Additionally, pretty close to there, it’s the Palace of Fine Arts (Palacio de Bellas Artes), where you can enter and admire different works of art dated from the 19th century hereinafter. Also, there are different displays every month from different national and international artists, concerts, and more cultural issues within this iconic space in Mexico City.

Bellas Artes, CDMX

3. National Museum of Anthropology and Chapultepec Park

Even if you are not a museum person, the Museum of Anthropology will make a tremendous impression on you! First of all, it’s the main museum in the country and is considered one of the best of its kind in the entire world.

Therefore, even one thorough visit can help you get to know all of Mexico at once! It contains a giant collection of artifacts: from the smallest items such as statuettes to fragments of pyramids and the famous Stone of the Sun. The museum presents all major Mesoamerican cultures and shows the modern life of all regions of the country.

museums in mexico city anthropology museum
Stone of the Sun, National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City

Secondly, the museum is one of the ten most visited in the world. Technically, it is difficult to even call it a museum since monuments from all archeological regions of Mexico are collected here. Hence, it looks as if you were visiting all the ruins of Mexico through history at once.

The museum itself is located in Chapultepec – the largest park in the capital. There you can find several other famous museums, as well as a zoo, two small lakes, and the famous Chapultepec Castle. As a matter of fact, it’s the only royal castle in North America.

4. Mexico City Markets

Mexico City is full of markets. It’s difficult to imagine this colorful country without these oases of tastes and flavors. Moreover, all the markets of Mexico City have their own features that make each one of them unique and different from the others.

RelatedMarkets in Mexico City (Top 10)

Nevertheless, the main reason why travelers see these places as must see places in Mexico City is to try the original national food. In these markets, you can find food that has been cooked and eaten for centuries. Moreover, except being gastronomic paradises, Mexican markets represent a territory of communication and entertainment for local people.

Crafts market in Mexico City

5. Coyoacan

The borough of Coyoacan is a popular destination not only for its great shopping opportunities. This beautiful place has a unique atmosphere that makes you forget that you are in the biggest metropolis in Latin America. Instead, it transmits a sense of a cozy colonial town with a beautiful main square, a cathedral, parks, and pleasant streets.

Coyoacan also has lots of cultural institutions, among them – 21 museums. Among the most famous are the Museum of Frida Kahlo, a renowned Mexican artist, and the Leon Trotsky Museum, dedicated to the life of a well-known Russian revolutionary. Also, the Cathedral of Coyoacan is one of the must see places in Mexico City that you will adore if you are an art lover!

Coyoacan is a bohemian town in a big city. It’s a defiantly independent and progressive area that attracts writers, composers, architects, and connoisseurs. Actually, Mexico City has more such distinctive areas, which were once small towns, and then, due to urbanization, turned into parts of a big metropolis. This is why a large part of Mexico City is not typical high-rises and skyscrapers, but two-three-story houses on narrow streets.

coyoacan virtual tour

6. Xochimilco

Xochimilco is another popular tourist destination in Mexico City. This borough has around 170 kilometers of canals, some of which were built by the Aztecs.

National and foreign tourists come to Xochimilco to ride colorful gondola-resembling “trajineras“, listen to local mariachi and marimba bands, and take a stroll through its colorful markets. Therefore, this is a real “Mexican Venice” and a must-have experience!

Private Tour Guide Mexico City
Xochimilco boats

7. National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

Universities are the future of any country as they educate the most active part of the population. The National Autonomous University of Mexico has the largest number of students in the Americas. This place is famous for its special atmosphere and many architectural delights. For example, the main campus of the university is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Some of the most famous Mexican architects of the 20th century worked on its design. The frescoes on its main building painted great Mexican artists such as David Alfaro Siqueiros.

The main building of the University City (UNAM)

8. Monumento a la Revolución (Monument of the Revolution)

The Monument of the Revolution in Mexico City is a towering tribute to the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920. It is located in the heart of the city and stands at an impressive height of 67 meters. The monument features a large statue of a revolutionary hero atop a pedestal, surrounded by four monumental columns that represent law, justice, war, and peace.

Check out our post: 20 November Mexico: Mexican Revolution Day!

In addition to being a symbol of Mexico’s revolutionary history, the Monument of the Revolution also houses a museum that showcases the country’s political and social evolution. Visitors can climb to the top of the monument for panoramic views of the city, making it one of the must see places in Mexico City.

The monument is an impressive feat of architecture and engineering, and it serves as a reminder of Mexico’s struggle for independence and freedom. Whether you’re a history buff or simply looking for a unique experience, the Monument of the Revolution is a must-see destination in Mexico City.

Monumento a la Revolucion
Monumento a la Revolucion

It’s your turn now. Have you been to Mexico City? Is there any interesting place you wanna tell us about? Who would be your winner or your nominated ones? Don’t be shy and let us know in the comments below!

Check out the section Mexico City Tours

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