Guest Posts

Wanna write for Vibe Adventures?

If you’re a traveler, blogger, passionate writer, or simply someone eager to share your travel knowledge and experiences with our audience, please don’t hesitate to send us a guest post proposal.

Topics we are looking for:

We welcome guest posts that provide inspiration or valuable insights to our audience. If you’re interested in contributing, here are the topics we are most likely to consider:

  1. Nature Adventures: This encompasses adventure travel in national parks, hiking, trekking, extended journeys, safaris, extreme sports, and similar activities.
  2. Local Insights: Share your knowledge about your hometown or one of your favorite places in your own country, particularly if it’s in Latin America. Who better to showcase a location than a local?
  3. Unconventional Experiences in Specific Locations: For instance, “12 Unique Activities to Explore in Tabasco” or “18 Off-the-Beaten-Path Adventures in Peru.” It’s crucial that any guest post aligns seamlessly with our existing content, creating a cohesive resource for our readers.

Our content focuses on various themes, including unique experiences, family travel, responsible tourism, travel tips, road trips, culinary adventures, budget-friendly travel etc. We encourage submissions that complement our content and offer well-rounded insights into destinations.

The guest post should:

  • Length: Be over 1,500 words.
  • Links: We believe in reciprocity. If featured on our website with a do-follow link, we anticipate a similar opportunity for inclusion on your website.
  • Images: Must have at least 5 pictures taken by you or from Creative Commons.
  • No plagiarism:ย >90% original content (check it here).
  • Human-generated: <10% AI-generated content (check it here).

How to apply

1. Come up with 3 topics

Come up with 3 different topics and share them with us in the form below.

2. Submit draft

Write a draft for the topic selected by us with the following criteria:

  1. A draft that is free of spelling and grammatical errors in a Google Doc file with open access. Please make sure you are paying attention to basic SEO and writing in a fun and informative tone. Familiarize yourself with the style of our site. For the consistency of our site, please use American spellings of words (e.g. use color instead of colour).
  2. Add the photos in a link with open access (e.g. Google Drive, Mega, Dropbox, etc).
  3. Attach a headshot of yourself along with a short bio (written in the third person) and a link to your website and/or social media. 
  4. An SEO-optimized excerpt. This should be up to 156 characters and describe your article.

3. Edit

We will send back feedback with things that need to be changed.

Note: We may edit the final draft to better fit our site if necessary.

4. Get published

Upon submission of your final draft, we will notify you of the publishing date, and after it’s published, we would greatly appreciate it if you could share it through your newsletter or on your social media to help it reach a wider audience.